Remember hello_rubies.rb?
Let's update that with more details about YOU!
Copy and paste this to create ruby_far_class.rb
, elsif
, else
{"one" => 1, "two" => 2}
How was last week?
Do you have any questions or concepts that you'd like to discuss?
chatting = true
byes = 0
while chatting
puts "Ask Grandma a question:"
said = gets.chomp!
if said == "BYE"
byes += 1
if byes > 2
chatting = false
puts "** Grandma is ignoring you **"
elsif said == said.upcase
year = 1930 + Random.rand(20)
puts "NO, NOT SINCE #{year}!"
puts "Thanks for chatting with Grandma"
Note: you can download all the files from the class here. Click Clone or Download, then Download zip. Then, cd into day_3
so you can run the files we cover. You can also copy and paste into
A method is a name for a chunk of code
Methods are often used to define reusable behavior.
=> false
=> "Fred"
=> String
=> "desserts"
If you have code you want to reuse or organize, methods will help.
Just like with loops and conditionals there is a term used to declare a method, def
and end
def subtract(x, y)
x - y
means define
is the name of the method
x, y
are parameters
x - y
is the body of the method
x - y
is also the return value
Arguments are passed
and parameters are declared.
Note that the variable names don't have to match!
In this code, 5
is an argument and x
is a parameter
def subtract(x, y) # x, y are parameters
x - y
subtract(5, 2) # 5, 2 are arguments
Every Ruby method returns something. Usually, it's the last statement in the method. It could be the value sent to return if that came first. Let's run subtract.rb
both ways (in Terminal load 'subtract.rb', ruby subtract.rb
def subtract_one(x,y)
x - y
'another thing'
return_value = subtract_one(5, 2)
puts return_value
def subtract(x,y)
return x - y
'another thing'
return_value = subtract(5, 2)
puts return_value
def subtract_two(x,y)
'another thing'
x - y
return_value = subtract_two(5, 2)
puts return_value
A local variable is a variable whose scope ends (goes out of context) when the function returns
Let's run the broken doublethis.rb
and then fix
def doubleThis num
numTimes2 = num*2
puts num.to_s+' doubled is '+numTimes2.to_s
doubleThis 44
puts numTimes2.to_s
Write a method takes in a String question
and returns an answer.
Try it on your own first. If you're stuck, you can check out question.rb
If using 1.9 or lower, these have to be the last arguments in your list.
Default values are used if the caller doesn't pass them explicitly.
def eat(food = "chicken")
puts "Yum, #{food}!"
>> eat
Yum, chicken!
>> eat "arugula"
Yum, arugula!
Lets write a method called englishNumber
. It will take a number, like 22, and return the english version of it (in this case, the string 'twenty-two'). For now, let's have it only work on integers from 0 to 100.
Stuck? This file will get you started. See if you can fill out pieces that we need. Still stuck? Here's a simplish (imperfect) solution Solution (will be assigned as homework), but make sure you understand the previous two files first and give it your best shot before opening.
An Object is an instance of a Class
Objects do things and have properties.
Classes define a template for objects.
Classes describe what a certain type of object can do (methods) and what properties (attributes) they have.
We typically use .new
to create an object
my_array =
- we have an object!my_array
is an object or instance of class Array
from the class Array
Expand scope
Names start with an @
Only visible inside the object
class Cookie
def add_chips(num_chips)
@chips = num_chips
def yummy?
@chips > 100
cookie =
cookie.yummy? #=> true
Just as you inherited traits from your mom, your objects may inherit traits from other objects.
Inheritance is when you use one class as the basis for another.
You might use Inheritance if you have an existing class that you want to expand in different ways, depending on the object. Think: characters, vehicles, dogs!
class MyString < String
my_string =
Lets build a class, GDIArray
, that inherits from Array
. Add a method to GDIArray
that returns "nonsense"
Use the ask
method to enhance your text-based Adventure game.
Add more methods to your Adventure game!
Expand upon englishNumber. First, put in thousands. So it should return 'one thousand' instead of 'ten hundred' and 'ten thousand' instead of 'one hundred hundred'.
Expand upon englishNumber some more. Now put in millions, so you get 'one million' instead of 'one thousand thousand'.
Then try adding billions and trillions. How high can you go?
We are done with class 3!